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Concrete Sealing, Edmonton Concrete Solutions, Edmonton Concrete Care

All Pro Curb Edging  receives a special sealer applied to the surface of the concrete after it's installed. This sealer adds strength by slowing hydration, and protects your concrete edging from stains, reduces fading and makes the surface of your curb very easy to keep clean by simply hosing it off. All Pro Curb Edging  is recommended to receive a second treatment of sealer (Pro Curb Care) within 2-4 weeks after installation. Failure to re-seal your Pro Curb Edging within that timeframe will void your warranty. - Ask your sales representative for details.

Pro Curb Designs & Contracting has a 12-month warranty (with Pro Grade Cable Reinforcement) and 6-month warranty  (without Pro Grade Cable Reinforcement) against workmanship and against damage due to improper installation or workmanship.  Your Pro Curb Edging (curbing) may be repaired at no charge by Pro Curb Designs & Contracting in such instances. This does not include damage done by any person(s), pets and/or premature landscaping. As with any concrete creation, small imperfections can occur which are beyond the ability of anybody to control and are not covered under warranty. Small imperfections include, but are not limited to hairline cracking, coal pops and chips and cold weather flaking. 

Pro Curb Designs & Contracting places control joints strategically to provide your Pro Curb Edging (curbing) room to flex as the ambient temperature changes throughout the seasons. This is designed so the curb cracks in a controlled manner with ground movement or other forces that may stress the curb. Concrete curbing, like any other type of concrete, can, and may crack, but with the installation of control joints, cracking should occur at these sites and be virtually undetected. Pro Curb Designs & Contracting also encourages customers to invest in adding cable reinforcement to their Pro Curb Edging  as an additional preventive measure. If your Pro Curb Edging  should crack in an area outside of the control joints, Pro Curb Designs & Contracting will replace that select section (between controls joints), at no charge during the warranty period. We do, however, caution that repairs can be difficult to make with any colored concrete, as it is impossible to get a perfect color match due to different dye lots and variable climate effects on concrete. A crack may be much less noticeable than a patch or discoloration.

Upon completion of the project, customers will be given instructions on how to care for their Pro Curb Edging. Landscape curbs require very little maintenance, but some precautions are important after installation.

1) It is very important not to wet the new curbing excessively for the first few days (72 hours minimum) after installation. Please be sure to have any automatic sprinklers temporarily disabled prior to installation.
2) Concrete may seem dry to the touch within days, if not hours of being installed. It's not. Avoid contact with your new Pro Curb Edging  for 3-5 days after installation, and ensure that there is no human/pet contact with the concrete.

3) During the first month after installation, take care when mowing your grass and doing other activities around the yard. It's still curing.

Please Note: Don't drive vehicles over landscape curbing as this may crack the curbing in places away from the control joints. Premature irrigation (within 72 hours of installation), resulting in damage to the quality or appearance of the curb, voids the warranty.  Any modifications to the curb also voids the warranty.

If curbing is damaged due to owner negligence, including damage caused by pets, children/people, or premature landscaping, Pro Curb Designs & Contracting will return to make necessary repairs at the homeowner’s expense. A $350 minimum charge will be applied to this service. For any warranty claims, color and design choice must remain consistent with what was originally chosen and poured.